
List with all the plugin commands.


Configure the access that users will have to the commands

How sell a item?

You have two options to publish an item, with commands or through the menu


Create a list with the materials of your category


Do you want to see what inventories you can find in the store? Click here!


Spawn a merchant to buy items from him


*Coming soon*


Change the values for taxes, materials, menus, command aliases, etc.


Configure the messages of the commands, menus, items, etc. There are many languages added!


List of materials that are blocked for publication in the store.


These are all the commands you can execute, remember that you need the permissions.

  • /bm sell [value]

    - Sell a item
  • /bm reload

    - Reload config
  • /bm setnpc (skin_name)

    - Set a NPC
  • /bm removenpc

    - Remove a NPC
  • /bm open (player)

    - Open the BlackMarket


Set the permissions correctly, you don't want someone spawn some npcs.

  • blackmarket.admin

    - Allow use all commands

      - Open the market with a command
    • blackmarket.reload

      - Reload command
    • blackmarket.npc.*

      - Allow use setnpc and removenpc commands
      • blackmarket.npc.set

        - Spawn a NPC
      • blackmarket.npc.remove

        - Remove a NPC
    • blackmarket.limit

      - Unlimited posts
    • blackmarket.limit[number]

      - Limited post
    • blackmarket.remove_item

      - Cancel any post


If you need to publish an article you can do it using the command /bm sell [value] or using the aliases that are configured. But, if you don't like this method you can also do it through the BlackMarket menu, just open the menu, select the item to publish, and choose what you want to sell.

You have not understood my super steps by steps? Well, okay, follow these simple instructions...

Using command:

  1. Press T key to open the chat
  2. Write /bm sell [value], and replace [value] for the price of your item
  3. Press ENTER
  4. Done, your item is posted in the market!

Using the market:

  1. Goto the BlackMarket NPC
  2. Interact with him
  3. Find the item that says "Sales menu"
  4. Right click him
  5. Select the item you want to sell from your inventory
  6. Click on "Value"
  7. Press T key to open the chat
  8. Write into the chat your item value
  9. Press ENTER
  10. Right click on the item "Post"
  11. Done, your item is posted in the market!


They are lists of materials or objects belonging to the same class. It can be useful to separate Blocks, Tools, Armor and Redstone, in different sections.


To set an NPC you need to have blackmarket.npc.set permission, then run the /bm setnpc command to spawn it.

You can also change the skin with which the NPC will appear by adding at the end of the command the name of the player /bm setnpc [player_name] or the skin that you have saved in the file skindata.yml /bm setnpc skin_[name]


If you need to change the language, taxes, database, menu materials, etc. enter this file and change the values you need. Remember that you can use the /bm reload command to reload the configuration.


The plugin has many translations that the community send (Thank you very much). If you want to add your own, or modify the messages, you need to go to the BlackMarket/languages folder.

If you need an example of what the language file looks like, see the following:


You can prohibit the publication of some articles in the store, for this you need to activate blacklist and blacklist_lore in the config.yml file.

BlackList serves to prevent some materials from being sold.
BlackListLore will be in charge of analyzing the descriptions of the articles and preventing items that contain them from being published. (Very useful for items given by Kits)